Seeing The Sites Of The St. Lawrence By Bike – Ontario By Bike

The St. Lawrence River boasts some of the richest history, culture, and scenery in all of Ontario. As someone who has been an avid road-tripper for his entire life, I was used to seeing this spectacular scenery through the windshield of my truck. But it took a three-day ride with Ontario by Bike for me to gain a deeper appreciation of the beauty of eastern Ontario.

My eyes were opened when I joined Ontario by Bike for a three-day ride along the 1000 Islands St. Lawrence River from Mallorytown to the Long Sault Parkway. Of course, being in a vehicle can let you see many incredible things in a short amount of time. But being on a bike, well, it enables you to take in all of the small things that truly bring the world into focus.

Read the entire article here.

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