Monthly Archives: August 2020

Step Back In Time In Perth, Ontario One of the Prettiest Towns in Ontario – Wandering Wagars

Ontario doesn’t get much more charming than the town of Perth. This gorgeous, heritage town is packed to the brim with the most heritage architecture between Toronto and Quebec City. It’s a town that seems like it was built for patio life and lazy walks through river-crossed parks. But just because a town is sleepy and […]

Rediscovering Ontario Through an Indigenous Lens – Destination Indigenous

Woman walking near a Longhouse in Six Nations Ontario

Ontario. It’s big. It’s beautiful. And sometimes it’s hard to find a moment to yourself. I’ve lived in Ontario all my life, Southern Ontario specifically, and here life can be hectic at times. You might think that a worldwide pandemic would change this. And it did. In a lot of ways, life was simpler. But, […]